Organic Shea Butter and African Black Soap
Our women's cooperative in Accra northern Ghana employs over 600 women to collect and produce our Organic Shea Butter and African Black Soap.
Georgina started the project with only a handful of women producing a few kilos at a time, their volume has now built up to 100,000 kilos per year and growing.
Processing the Shea Butter...
Our Shea Butter is hand processed from beginning to end. Starting with the collection of the nuts, these have to have fallen naturally from the tree, only nuts from the ground can be collected.
The nuts are then graded and sorted by hand and the nut is removed from the Shea fruit and shelled. The shelled nuts are ground and then roasted to release the natural oils in the nuts.
The mixture is at this point a very dark brown, it is then kneaded by hand which thickens the liquid into a butter and takes the colour from dark brown to the beautiful creamy Shea Butter we know and love.

Social Impact...

This project supports a community of over 1400 people, providing funding for wells to give communities access to clean water supplies, improve health care and school facilities and to invest in their business to help them improve their working conditions and to expand the volumes they can produce and employ even more women in the project.

So far we have been able to fund several wells for communities which previously had to walk long distances to larger villages to collect water, but they now have access to clean water within their own village.
We have also been supporting the project to build their own storage and production facility, which will mean they have a clean and safe area to work and store their Shea Butter.